Title: Tis the season for Cultureshock!
Author: KCL ACS
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Tis the season for Cultureshock! As another cold December beckons, another Cultureshock season creeps upon us! For those wh...

Tis the season for Cultureshock!

As another cold December beckons, another Cultureshock season creeps upon us!

For those who are not aware, KCLACS hold a show called Cultureshock annually. Cultureshock is one of, if not the BEST cultural show London has to offer and our 2017 show promises to be just as amazing as our 2016 one earlier this year.

It’s a time where all our members can showcase their talents to the world. Our previous show contained a unique mix of vibrant and exciting dance routines, an impassioned drama piece, fantastic vocals from the choir, spoken word and even artists such as Bonkaz came along to perform… and you don’t have to just take my word for it, how about you ask our special guest Stormzy who also came along to our show and LOVED it!

All of this was achieved with the aim of capturing the excellence and uniqueness of our African-Caribbean culture – so please do try to get involved in this amazing show and I promise you will meet loads of new people and make the most amazing memories!

For those who were not present or apart of the show last year, sit tight as I’m about to give you the low down on some of the coolest things that happened in our show!

A drama piece based on a protagonist who is on a journey of self-discovery. Raised in Sevenoaks by adoptive parents, we followed a girl’s mission to find her real parents and learn more about her African ethnic identity.

From a West African dance to a Dirty Dancing catwalk, Cultureshock 2016 gave us a plethora of dances and catwalks! All of which were fantastic performances that made for an intense viewing.

·         Dirty Dancing Catwalk
·         Boys Catwalk
·         One World Catwalk
·         Caribbean Dance
·         West African Dance
·         Sasha Fierce Dance
·         Bangra Dance

The choir warmed our hearts with a beautiful rendition of the following songs:
·         Asimbonanga – Soweto Gospel Choir
·         Tomorrow – Hasan Green
·         Blame it on me - Mapei

Intense performances from our spoken word artists reiterated how important African and Caribbean oral tradition is. We heard from artists such as Ayo Wrote, who spoke candidly about his experiences of racial inequalities in the UK.

It’s not too late to get involved this year, we are running auditions at the moment so come along and get involved in London’s greatest cultural show! You definitely won't regret it.


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